Linda almost had me convinced she was real with her first message:
Name: Linda McDaniel
Message: I'd love to have a logo and brochure created for my new business. Please let me know your interest and would send you more details. Thank you
BUT I knew something was off and googled her email address, first hit was a spam article, so I responded with:
Hi Linda,
Upon searching your email address on google, it pops up on many scam site forums. However, if you are looking to go legit with your business and are actually in need of a website and brochure, you can send me more details. I only accept zelle or cold hard cash. Payments are only to be the exact amounts on invoice, I know the gimmick where you send more than the amount and ask the person to send back the difference.
A cost for logo is $5,000 and 3 page brochure is $1,000. I require a 50% deposit up-front.
I wasn't having it that day if you could tell, hit her with some high prices too ... I guess you can say practice for the future when I charge $5k a logo haha!!
YA'LL LINDA HAD THE AUDACITY TO WRITE BACK! I'm pretty sure she never read my first message:
Sorry for the late response .
I’ll like to know if I got the right contact to a graphic designer. I want you to design for me a logo and an e-brochure for my new company, based on production and sales of organic foods (plant based food and drinks).
2. My website is under constructions which would be registered soon.
3. I Don’t have a logo yet but would need one to be made by you
4. Full text content and all images for the e-brochure will be submitted to you by the project consultant. You just have to handle the layout.
5. The e-brochure should be 24 in pages (Including from and back cover. I have lot of information already approved. The text and images have also been crosschecked)
6. The size of the e-brochure should be 8.5 X 11.5
7. I want you to add our core values, mission and vision (This information will be provided by the consultant)
8. My budget is not more than $7000
9. I want this delivered in 5-6 weeks to the latest.
My Goals and about the project:
AMERICAN ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT INC. is pet project and same time a business avenue for me. I will be 10 years a vegan in May and I hope to expand the business (and unveil the logo with e-brochure then)
To my customers, AMERICAN ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT INC. should be able to provide over 500 plant-derived minerals that can improve the value of foods, liquids, nutritional formulations and cosmiceuticals. That way also improving value of life. Whoever purchase our products would have a guarantee of good living and relish.
Our uniqueness will be privilege of our 5 locations around Texas and online store. Our products are also 100 percent plant based produce under strict standards from International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Our brand and style would also stand us out.
Other project essentials:
1. I want you to know that this is the first time I will be doing a Logo design so I can only give you little details then you can decide on designs but I want the color to consist of Green, Red and Brown (let me know what you think about that) with an image of a some mixed fruits. I want a very mature and presentable design and my budget for this project is not more than $6000.
2. For logo inspirations you can look at logo from this samples site below:
Kindly get back to me with:
(1) a price estimate/quote :
(2) your cell phone number:
(3) And will like to know if you are the owner ?
Keep safe and protect yourself from the virus.
What a coincidence, Linda is a vegan just like our other scammer Jordan.
Once again, CAPS, and it's her "first time". Always keep an eye out for those key words.
Stay safe out there and don't fall for Linda's scam.

Maybe this is Linda?